All those who take there chance to Siachin sector (via Skardu, the valleys of Shigar, Khaplu, Kharmong, Rondu and onwards), purposefully visit to see northern areas of Pakistan and or plan to have rendezvous with fairies do pass though Deosai Plains a plateau among high mountains and unique landscape in the world.
I first got acquainted with the area when Siachin sector was active. Later, when ever I visited the area, one plan that I always had in mind was to meet the fairies there.
Baikal is what I am reminded of when ever I see the Sadpara Lake situated at a short drive (an easy walk) south of Skardu. The walk along the torrent is more pleasant and shorter than following the jeep road. The lake surrounded by bare mountains abounds in fish, and is an ideal place just to sit there and think of fairies. Who wants fishing any way!
Some more shots of Beautiful Deosai see and thanks for those God gifted nature.......